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Change a Life: Sponsorshi​p Program for 2012

“Ultimately, Emerge is about a girl. Just one. One human being. I took her hand when she cried and she took mine when I thought I’d break. And our story is far from over. But with a dedicated team, an ever-improving curriculum, and more kilos of beads than I had ever imagined, we are slowly building a reality where she, and many others, can truly emerge into her own.” – Alia Whitney-Johnson, Emerge Founder and Executive Director

Emerge is About Each Girl:

Emerge is a story of courage, resilience and healing. It’s a story of education, aspiration and achievement. But, mostly, it’s a story of individuals — girls, supporters, teachers and advocates — who are coming together to change Sri Lanka and, one day, the world.

We hope you’ll join our story by sponsoring one of our incredible program participants for 2012. $25 a month ($300 per year) can provide a girl with workshops in business and the essential life skills that will enable her to lead a healthy, self-sufficient adult life.

You can learn more about our Sponsorship Program by downloading our Sponsorship Packet, which describes the program and breaks down program costs. For questions about the Sponsorship Program, please email our Sponsorship Coordinator at

How to Sponsor a Girl:

To sponsor a girl, please provide a tax-deductible donation of $300 for 2012. This covers the approximate cost of a girl’s participation in the Beads-to-Business and Life Skills programs for the year. You will receive quarterly updates pertaining to the sponsored participant. To protect each participant’s confidentiality, especially given the fact that many are testifying in highly sensitive court cases, we cannot provide names or photos of sponsored girls.

There are 2 ways to make this contribution:

(1) Mail us a check payable to “Emerge Global” with “Sponsorship” in the memo:

Emerge Global P.O. Box 390897 Cambridge, MA 02139

(This is our preferred method of contribution,.

(2) Donate here via Make sure to dedicate this to “Sponsorship Program.”

Please also complete the Sponsorship Form so that we can send you the corresponding updates.

Thank you for becoming a part of our story!

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