On my second trip to Ma-Sevana (by the way, the origin of the name: sevana means “shelter” in Sinhala, and ma is short for mother) several of the girls started showing me jewelry creations they had invented completely on their own. These young mothers are incredibly resourceful – using old bits of memory wire (traditionally used for making bracelets) or left over beads to create completely new pieces. I’ve posted a couple of the new designs below:
Seeing these designs has been one of the highlights of my time in Sri Lanka so far, because it means that the girls really are becoming more creative, as well as confident in expressing that creativity. One of my main roles will be to work (with other members of the Emerge team) on developing the Emerge Bead Program Protocol: a well-documented process detailing the logistics of the Emerge Bead Program. In this protocol, there will be several stages. As the girls progress through these stages, the amount of freedom and flexibility they have within the Bead Program will grow, as will their responsibility. One thing that we will definitely incorporate into this is a method of developing new jewelry ideas. My goal would be for girls to design new pieces that, after being approved, could be produced by all the young women in the Bead Program.
Until next time, Ellen