Emerge Global is among 6 groups selected by World Learning/USAID and the International Youth Foundation (IYF) to receive $10,000 in support through the Planning for Life: Phase 2 Project. Emerge Global will use the $10,000 grant to integrate a reproductive health component to its life skills workshops.
The reproductive health unit includes lessons on: personal values, puberty, reproduction, teenage pregnancy, contraception, sexually transmitted infections, HIV/AIDS, substance abuse, gender roles and stereotypes, and gender-based and sexual violence. Building off an in-depth curriculum designed by the International Youth Foundation, Emerge staff will work with IYF to modify the curriculum to be appropriate for our target group in Sri Lanka and to ensure that girls have the background knowledge needed to understand lessons. The grantees were chosen through a competition established by IYF order to makes grants available to young leaders who have completed IYF’s YouthActionNet® fellowship program. YouthActionNet® seeks to develop a new generation of socially conscious global citizens who create positive change in their communities, their countries, and the world. The size of grants awarded through the program range from US$5,000-$10,000. A committee comprised of IYF staff selected the final grant recipients.
About the International Youth Foundation (IYF) The International Youth Foundation (IYF) invests in the extraordinary potential of young people. Founded in 1990, IYF builds and maintains a worldwide community of businesses, governments, and civil-society organizations committed to empowering youth to be healthy, productive, and engaged citizens. IYF programs are catalysts of change that help young people obtain a quality education, gain employability skills, make healthy choices, and improve their communities.
To learn more, visit: www.iyfnet.org.