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A Special Hero

Iroshini Kalpage

ELF Program

Development Officer

Working with young children can be very difficult work, as we have to go inside their minds and only at that point is it very easy to understand them. Normally, when people get old they easily forget the children’s world that they once were in. But, there is no sense in that.

When we are working in an organization, department, or any situation relating to children, we have to think very carefully. I believe this because it will effect the entire society indirectly. I have been working in this field for over 5 years. At one time, I met a special person who is very mature and understandable. His maturity in working with children has taught me a lot of things. He is always very open to new ideas. I never had difficulty realizing that his work was a blessing to our children living in the shelters.

His name is Mr. Somaratne – and he is the former commissioner of Probation and Child Care – Western Province. I was lucky to have the opportunity to work with him. There are lots of children with successful stories that we have been a part of and continue to work with. Unfortunately, he retired last month, but his work we will remember forever.

I believe each and every child that met him will have happy memories. I am writing this blog to say “thank you” for the support you always gave to me and especially the support for Emerge! You always encouraged us to expand our project to other homes. The Ranmuthugala shelter was a perfect example of that. Mr. Somaratne, you are a special hero for the society and to the future generation. Thank you so much!

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