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Avurudu with the girls

It was last Monday that I got to know that the girls hadn’t gifts to celebrate the Avurudu celebrations though the party was planned for Friday the 24th. I had to find a sponsor desperately to buy gifts: I gave a round of calls and my friend Rochelle came to my rescue. She had only to write a cheque and the job was done.

Very hurriedly the gifts were bought, the party was planned, and the girls were so excited they insisted that myself and the `Sudu misses’ (foreign ladies) must wear the Saree for the special occasion.

Friday 24th dawned and we all arrived at the party and the highlight of the day was the Saree, The `Sudu misses’ looked radiantly beautiful! they had taken the trouble to go and get it draped by a professional for the special occasion.

All the girls took part in all the games like the `Banis Kama’ (Bun eating), blowing the balloon, eating the yogurt blind folded, and the obstacle race. They had so much of fun, and we the spectators enjoyed every minute of it. I was asked to judge most of the competitions and it gave me great joy to see the girls having a good time. There was a competition for the teachers and the invitees and I was one of the finalists in the musical chairs. Once Sanjeewa from Nona Foundation, Netherlands was trying to grab a chair to sit and I fell and one of the girls who I have a very soft place in my heart for had been very worried that I had got injured and she was very concerned about me.

The finale was the fancy dress parade, the girls dressed up as clowns, two girls as a foreign couple, drunkards, dudes, Fish monger, and many more, we had to judge who was the best dressed and it was a very daunting task.

Before the programme came to an end prizes and gifts were distributed and you could see how happy the girls were.

It is always my wish that I could organize more get-togethers and outings such as these because I know it makes them very happy and it takes away a lot of sadness in their heart.

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